Photography and film hold a special allure for me, beckoning me to immerse myself in their realms full-time. Photography, with its skillful capture of a singular moment, grants the viewer the privilege of scrutinizing every detail frozen in time. Conversely, film offers a narrative tapestry woven from countless ephemeral moments, allowing for the rich storytelling experience. Yet, amidst these established mediums, I stumbled upon a realm yet uncharted in the realm of art: gifs. Positioned between the stillness of photography and the fluidity of film, gifs afford the viewer the opportunity to delve into a moment while simultaneously unfolding a broader narrative, encapsulating setting, emotion, and story. It was within the context of my senior thesis art show that I unveiled these innovative gifs, bridging the gap between tradition and innovation.
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(instagram, email, for a rainy day, resume, spotify)